Mohammad Hassan Kheiravar; Davood Danesh Jafari; Hamid Nazeman; Javid Bahrami
In significant part of oil-exporting countries, oil revenues are considered as one of the main drivers of the economy. However, these revenues are volatile, uncertain and subject to shocks due to exogenous nature and inherent volatility of oil prices as well as the reality of the hydrocarbon resources’ ...
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In significant part of oil-exporting countries, oil revenues are considered as one of the main drivers of the economy. However, these revenues are volatile, uncertain and subject to shocks due to exogenous nature and inherent volatility of oil prices as well as the reality of the hydrocarbon resources’ depletion. On the other hand, oil revenues are independent of the domestic economy as they are mainly derived from exports. This indicate that a significant part of the economy in these countries is exposed to potential instability, depending on the way and quality of these revenues’ management. This article examines the effect of oil revenue shocks on volatility of five macroeconomic variables, i.e. economic growth rate, inflation rate, real exchange rate, liquidity and government size, using panel var from selected oil-exporting countries over the period 2000-2019. The results show that oil instability shocks led to increase in instability of government size, liquidity and exchange rate. In addition, it first increase instability of inflation rate and economic growth rate but subsequently decrease these tow variables’ instability.
Mojahed Babapour; ISA ALIYEV; Seyed Mohammadreza Seyed Nourani
The purpose of this study was to investigate the export function of Iranian agricultural products to neighboring countries. In order to achieve the objectives of the research we have employed an export function model inspired by Yan and Lee article and studied the effect of GDP variables, price ratios ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the export function of Iranian agricultural products to neighboring countries. In order to achieve the objectives of the research we have employed an export function model inspired by Yan and Lee article and studied the effect of GDP variables, price ratios and exchange rates on Iran's agricultural exports. The data used here for the estimation of the research model were for the period 2008-2019 and have been processed via the econometric approach and the panel data method.According to the research findings, the effect of increasing GDP of neighboring countries on the export of Iranian agricultural products has been positive and significant. On the contrary, the price ratio and exchange rate ratio between Iran and neighboring countries turned out to have negative and significant influence on the export of Iranian agricultural products. These imply that growth in GDP of neighboring countries has increased the export of Iranian agricultural products to these countries while increasing the ratio of domestic prices to the prices of neighboring countries and increasing the domestic exchange rate relative to the exchange rate of neighboring countries have reduced the export of Iranian agricultural products.
Mozhgan Moallemi
The economic vulnerability of some countries stems from the fact that their economies are largely influenced by forces outside their control. Areas that are most affected by economic shocks should promote the position of a resilient economy in their policies. This paper tries to examine the impact of ...
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The economic vulnerability of some countries stems from the fact that their economies are largely influenced by forces outside their control. Areas that are most affected by economic shocks should promote the position of a resilient economy in their policies. This paper tries to examine the impact of economic vulnerability on the development index of MENA countries in the 1995-2015 period using the econometric method and panel data approach. The results of the study indicate a negative and significant relationship between economic vulnerability and development index in the target countries. The innovation of this study is to calculate the impact of economic vulnerability in different countries. Iran is ranked sixth in terms of the fragility of the economy against economic shocks. Countries that are ranked worse are often those countries that either face political instability (domestic wars) or have a strong dependence on oil revenues. In this way, policies such as reducing dependence on oil revenues and paying attention to political stability are introduced as tools for controlling and strengthening the economy against external economic shocks.
Economic Growth
farhad ghalambaz; Ali Souri; Ghahraman Abdoli; Mohsen Ebrahimi
Investigation of factors that affect economic growth has been always attractive. Foreign direct investment is one of the variables that have potential effects on growth. This study carried out to investigate the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth. We consider the role of natural resources ...
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Investigation of factors that affect economic growth has been always attractive. Foreign direct investment is one of the variables that have potential effects on growth. This study carried out to investigate the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth. We consider the role of natural resources using panel threshold regression model for 1996 to 2015 period and also emphasis on relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Iran by Markov Switching Approach for 1976-2015. Panel threshold regression model formed based on Hansen’s (1999) suggested model then that estimated by Wang’s (2015) proposed method for fixed effect models. Results of threshold regression model showed that natural resources, domestic capital formation, population growth rate and governance indicator has statistically significant effect on economic growth. Threshold level for natural resources is 28.58 percentages. Foreign direct investment variable has different effect on economic growth in regimes. In first regime foreign direct investment increase economic growth but in second regime, that natural resources is more than threshold level, it decrease growth rate. Results of tow regimes Auto-Regressive Markov Switching model for Iran showed that foreign direct investment in recession regime is insignificant but this variable in boom regime has statistically significant effect and this relationship is negative.
Economic Growth
Seyyed Hossein Mir Jalili; Amin Mohseni Cheraghlou; omid safari
Inclusive growth creates equal opportunities for those who contribute to economic growth, so that the whole people could contribute to economic growth and benefit from it. In this research, we applied Anand et al. integrated method and social mobility index to measure inclusive growth. The integrated ...
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Inclusive growth creates equal opportunities for those who contribute to economic growth, so that the whole people could contribute to economic growth and benefit from it. In this research, we applied Anand et al. integrated method and social mobility index to measure inclusive growth. The integrated method allows us to identify the determinants of growth and prioritize the specific constraints of each country in generating inclusive growth. We utilized unbalanced panel data method for the period 1995-2015. The results indicate that GDP growth is the most important determinants of inclusive growth in the Islamic countries. Inflation control, human capital improvement, investment, government consumption and trade openness, positively affect inclusive growth in Islamic countries. However, the ratio of bank credits to GDP and foreign direct investment did not have a positive effect on the growth of Islamic countries.
Quality of Environment
Zahra Nasrollahi; Habib Ansari Samani; Masoume Rouzbahani
Sustainable development is a very broad concept, and achieving it, is a guarantee of the sustainable welfare of societies. On the other hand, income distribution affects many of sustainable development indicators. As a result, investigating the relationship between the two is essential. Based on this ...
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Sustainable development is a very broad concept, and achieving it, is a guarantee of the sustainable welfare of societies. On the other hand, income distribution affects many of sustainable development indicators. As a result, investigating the relationship between the two is essential. Based on this importance, the relationship between these two variables was the goal of this study. The Gini coefficient is selected as the independent variable and the composite index of sustainable development (combination of sustainability of human, physical and environmental capital) as the dependent variable of the research. In order to answer the research question, a panel data regression model for the Iran's provinces during 2008-2014 and using FGLS method have been used. The results show that the relationship between income inequality and composite index of sustainable development is negative and significant. The results also show that the effect of GDP growth rate and energy intensity on the dependent variable of the model was positive and negative and statistically significant respectively. While the impact of industry structure and urbanization rate is not statistically significant. Regarding the results of the regression model, we can reduce the inequality in order to attain sustainable development.
Economic Growth
khaled ahmadzadeh; sholeh Nasri
Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, , Pages 145-166
The main objective of this study is investigating the effect of economic and social infrastructure on economic growth gap within the framework of panel data method among Iran's provinces during the period (2006-2012). In this context, conditional and non-conditional convergency hypothesis related to ...
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The main objective of this study is investigating the effect of economic and social infrastructure on economic growth gap within the framework of panel data method among Iran's provinces during the period (2006-2012). In this context, conditional and non-conditional convergency hypothesis related to province's economic growth has tested. The results show endorsement of both types of convergency of economic growth in the provinces of Iran. Economic infrastructure including communications and energy has a significant positive influence on economic growth. By entering the economic infrastructure variables in the equation of convergency the economic growth gap in the regions is reduced. Combined index of social infrastructure has the significant negative impact on economic growth in provinces. So that there are significant positive effect of health expenditure and the significant negative impact of education expenditure on economic growth in provinces.Therefore in order to reduce the gap in economic growth in the country's provinces, paying more attention to economic infrastructure and health sector and to review the allocation of resources in the educational sector is recommended.
Abolfazl Shahabadi; Marzieh Salehi
Volume 7, Issue 26 , February 2017, , Pages 35-48
The impact of increased public health spending on economic-social performance of society and especially the importance and its role in providing and ensuring sustainable development in developing and developed countries, has been interest of economists and politicians since past to present. For this ...
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The impact of increased public health spending on economic-social performance of society and especially the importance and its role in providing and ensuring sustainable development in developing and developed countries, has been interest of economists and politicians since past to present. For this purpose, many patterns attempted to identify the factors affecting growth of per capita public health spending and to explain their impact. Due to the vital role of per capita public health spending on economic development, current study using the generalized method of moments (GMM) has paid to investigate improving the management of oil wealth abundance on public health spending in the selected oil and developed countries during the period 1996-2012. The evidences indicate that efficient, intelligent and prospective management of oil resources have important role in increasing per capita public health spending in both groups studied selected oil and developed countries. This represents a serious move for selected oil countries to improve the management of abundance of oil wealth. Furthermore study findings show that per capita GDP growth and consumer price index have a positive and significant impact on growth of public health spending in oil and developed countries. Also results show that income inequality has a negative and significant impact on growth of per capita public health spending in both groups of countries.
total factor productivity of production؛
Seyed Komail Tayebi; Karim Azarbayejani; Salahoddin Manouchehri
Volume 7, Issue 25 , November 2016, , Pages 17-36
International outsourcing and intermediate goods trade as a signal of economic globalization have been in progress. One of the benefits of technology transfer is acquiring foreign technology with higher efficiency, as technology spillovers lead to increased productivity of local firms. In this study, ...
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International outsourcing and intermediate goods trade as a signal of economic globalization have been in progress. One of the benefits of technology transfer is acquiring foreign technology with higher efficiency, as technology spillovers lead to increased productivity of local firms. In this study, objective is to investigate the effects of international outsourcing, high-techcapital, foreign direct investment spillovers and capital stock of R&D on total factor productivity in selected high-tech industries in Iran. we have specified a theoretical framework, and then estimated its empirical version by the panel data econometric method for the selected high-tech industries in Iran during the period (2000-2012). The results show that the estimated coefficient of international outsourcing (OS) is statistically significantat the 5% of significance level.The results also indicate a significant positive effect of high-tech capital and FDI spillovers on total factor productivity in the selected Iran’s high-tech industries. However, the results show that the R&D capital stock has not been statistically significant in the estimated total factor productivity equation for such industries.
Dynamic Panel Data
Mohammad Reza Lotfalipour; Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Adeli
Volume 6, Issue 24 , September 2016, , Pages 17-38
Due to limitation of energy resources and its importance in the supply chain as the final products for consumers and inputs for manufacturers on the one hand, and On the other hand, due to the large fluctuations in prices and increased greenhouse gas emissions conservation policies and factors affecting ...
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Due to limitation of energy resources and its importance in the supply chain as the final products for consumers and inputs for manufacturers on the one hand, and On the other hand, due to the large fluctuations in prices and increased greenhouse gas emissions conservation policies and factors affecting supply and demand in recent decades have been considered by the scientific and policy communities. In this study, the relationship between energy consumption, export and economic growth in the industrial sector of the Iranian economy has been tested.For this purpose, the panel data of energy consumption, export and value added of the industrial sector in the ISIC 2-digit level detail over the years 2002 to 2012 were used. To study causality and dynamics between variables in the industrial sector the Toda-Yamamoto causality and vector error correction model were used. The results show bidirectional short-run, long-run and strong causality between variables, Except for one case that from exports to energy consumption and economic growth in the short run, there is no causality.
Economic Growth
Zahra Afshari
Volume 6, Issue 22 , January 2016, , Pages 20-13
This article examines theselected socio- economic determinants of fertility in Iran. For this purpose, the data for 30 provinces of Iran during the period 2006-2012 were considered. The panel data method of estimation was applied to estimate the relationship between the variables. The resultsshow thateconomic ...
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This article examines theselected socio- economic determinants of fertility in Iran. For this purpose, the data for 30 provinces of Iran during the period 2006-2012 were considered. The panel data method of estimation was applied to estimate the relationship between the variables. The resultsshow thateconomic development in provinces measured by GDP per capita decreased the fertility rate. Economic development accompanied by urbanization and industrialization increased the share of women with higher education in population. These developments by changing the rule of women in family decision making and postponing the marriage increased the average age of women in first marriage. These factors had a reverse and significant impact on fertility rate in Iran for the period under consideration. These results confirm the modernization school of thought. Furthermore, our model, consistent with some previous cross country researches,indicates that fertility reveals procyclical behavior which confirm the Pennsylvania theory of fertility.
Hamid Sepehrdoust; Saber Zamani Shabkhaneh
Volume 5, 17(3) , December 2015, , Pages 70-57
Generalized Gravity Model
javad harati; Mehdi Behrad-Amin; Sanaz Kahrazeh
Volume 6, Issue 21 , November 2015, , Pages 46-29
Export as the engine of economic growth plays a key role in the global economy and is considered as the survival factor of countries in the global markets. Investigation of modern international trade models to identify the effective factors in the international trade is necessary for the expansion of ...
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Export as the engine of economic growth plays a key role in the global economy and is considered as the survival factor of countries in the global markets. Investigation of modern international trade models to identify the effective factors in the international trade is necessary for the expansion of global trade. In the present article, using the gravity model and panel data, the researchers examined the factors affecting Iran's export during the period of 2000- 2012. The countries under study were classified into two groups based on their geography and their level of development. The results of the estimated models with the dynamic ordinary least squares approach (DOLS) showed that Iran's export could be explained by the significant portion of factors included in the gravity model. Furthermore, the results are different with respect to geography and their level of development of business partners. The findings can potentially and practically pave the way for the important implications to design the trade policies and are of use to the authorities in Iran.
Mena Countries Group
Mahboobeh Shakeri; Ahmad Jafari Samimi; Zahra Karimi Moughari
Volume 6, Issue 21 , November 2015, , Pages 106-93
The subject of this paper is measuring institutional quality and evaluatingits relationship with per capita economic growth in 20 MENA countries. For estimating growth models, panel data method was used during (2002-2010). For measuring institutional quality at first six indices of good governance have ...
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The subject of this paper is measuring institutional quality and evaluatingits relationship with per capita economic growth in 20 MENA countries. For estimating growth models, panel data method was used during (2002-2010). For measuring institutional quality at first six indices of good governance have been used in six growth models. The results have shown that only regulatory quality have positive and significant relation with economic growth. Whereas the coefficients of other institutional variables including control of corruption and political stability are negative and the others including rule of law, governance effectiveness and voice and accountability are positive but insignificant. Then another model was estimated by using good governance index which was derived from combining six upper indices by using principle component analysis (PCA). The results showed positive relationship but significant at the 0.10 percent level. In the final analysis a new institutional index is derived by combining three institutional variables which had positive coefficient into the one composite index by using PCA. New index has bigger positive coefficient and significant at the 0.01 percent level rather than its sub measures (regulatory quality, voice and accountability, rule of law) and alsothan good governance index.
Human Capital
Behzad Salmani; Hossein Panahi; Robab Mohammadi Khaneghahi
Volume 5, Issue 20 , August 2015, , Pages 108-99
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of health indicators (life expectancy and mortality rate) on per capita income. to do so, a panel data of 93 middle income countries over the period 1980-2011 is used. Panel data regression models including fixed effects, random effects and ...
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of health indicators (life expectancy and mortality rate) on per capita income. to do so, a panel data of 93 middle income countries over the period 1980-2011 is used. Panel data regression models including fixed effects, random effects and generalized method of moments (GMM) used to determine the effect of health indicators on per capita income. The results showed that the relationship between health indicators and per capita income is not monotonic and follows an U -shaped relationship. Since all of the countries passed turning point of U - shaped curve, one can say that improving health indicators in these countries significantly increases per capita income.
Mohammad Hossein Ehsanfar; Abolghaseme Asna-Ashari Amiri; Seyedeh Vajihe Mikaeeli
Volume 5, Issue 20 , August 2015, , Pages 119-109
The main aim of this research is investigating the relationship between unemployment and job vacancies and also the relationship between the number of job seekers and job vacancies in provinces of Iran. In other words, this paper seeks to obtain the Beveridge curve and Matching Function in provinces ...
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The main aim of this research is investigating the relationship between unemployment and job vacancies and also the relationship between the number of job seekers and job vacancies in provinces of Iran. In other words, this paper seeks to obtain the Beveridge curve and Matching Function in provinces of Iran. Beveridge curve is an equilibrium relationship which equates unemployment input and output flows. Matching Function describes the equilibrium in the labor market and then shows the normal state of the country in the long run. Using panel data, this study has been done in 30 provinces of the country, in the years 2007 to 2011. The results of the Matching Function have shown positive and significant relationship between job vacancies and job matching. Beveridge curve evaluation results are also consistent with theoretical foundations and have proven negative and significant relationship between unemployment rate and job vacancies. Job vacancies squared positive coefficient indicates convexity of Beveridge curve.
Farhad Khodadad Kashi; Mohamad Nabi Shahiki Tash; Samaneh Nooraniazad
Volume 5, Issue 19 , June 2015, , Pages 114-95
The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between market structure and economic growth in iran. Using Lopez - Azzam (2002) Approach, the extent of endogenous markup in different markets was estimated. Then the relationship between markup and economic growth was investigated by baranova ...
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The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between market structure and economic growth in iran. Using Lopez - Azzam (2002) Approach, the extent of endogenous markup in different markets was estimated. Then the relationship between markup and economic growth was investigated by baranova (2013) model. In this paper we also examined structural and behavioral aspects of 131, 4-digit industry over the 1995-2011 periods. These aspects include markt power as structural variable and conjectural variation as behavioral variable. In addition we sought to identify the impacts of markup on economic growth. The results of this study indicate that based on conjectural variation, firms cooperate in 91 percent of industries. On the other hand, Lerner index and markup in 94.2 percent of industries were higher than 0.1 percent and 1.001 respectively. Our findingsalso indicate that there is a negative association between endogenous markup and economic growth. According to the results of this study, low level of competition in industries led to limited growth in Iran.
Hossein Akbarifard; Mohammad Ghotbadini Ghasem Abad; Farahnaz Shahryaran; Omid Jenabi
Volume 5, Issue 18 , March 2015, , Pages 94-83
This study investigates the effect of some indicators of financial repression, including DR (the gap between the official interbank exchange rate and the free market rate), Cpi (the difference between Iran's inflation rate and the inflation rate of the world) and G (the ratio of government ...
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This study investigates the effect of some indicators of financial repression, including DR (the gap between the official interbank exchange rate and the free market rate), Cpi (the difference between Iran's inflation rate and the inflation rate of the world) and G (the ratio of government debt to liquidity), on capital stock growth in agricultural sub-sectors in Iran, during the period 1991-2011 using estimation of the demand function and panel data method. The results of the model indicate a significant negative effect of financial repression indicators on the development of the capital stock growth in all agricultural sub-sectors.
Abolfazl Shahabadi; Zohre Bahari
Volume 4, Issue 16 , November 2014, , Pages 72-53
One of the most important macro-economic objectives of the countries is to create the necessary conditions for promoting economic growth. Among them, we can point to political stability and economic freedom. Political instability leads to wasting physical and human resources and social capital, which ...
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One of the most important macro-economic objectives of the countries is to create the necessary conditions for promoting economic growth. Among them, we can point to political stability and economic freedom. Political instability leads to wasting physical and human resources and social capital, which will be considered as an economic rollback. Also, the rate of economic growth is associated with economic freedom index in every country. Economic freedom can lead to investment encouragment, promotion of skills, transfer of technology and efficient use of the investments through creation of relations of the market economy, private sector development, foreign trade development, remove unnecessary governmental regulations and provide the field for the development of productive activities. So, this study surveys the effects of political stability and economic freedom on economic growth in selected countries during the period 1996-2012. For this purpose, the effect of political stability and economic freedom indicators on economic growth has been tested by using GMM method for dynamic panel data models. The results indicate positive effects and statistically significance of political stability and economic freedom on economic growth in both groups of countries
Mohammadreza Nasiri Nezhad; Hossein Ostadi; Amir Hortamani
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2014, , Pages 38-29
No country today without the active participation in international trade and the global economy can not reach its proper development. The challenge currently facing developing countries including Iran is how the international activities of the company are effective. Economic development will be achieved ...
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No country today without the active participation in international trade and the global economy can not reach its proper development. The challenge currently facing developing countries including Iran is how the international activities of the company are effective. Economic development will be achieved due to the increasing volume and variety of exports and attract foreign direct investment and thus increasing export competitiveness. Therefore, in this study, the impact of taxes on attracting foreign direct investment has been examined. Panel data approach for the years 1995-2012 is used in this study. Variables include GDP, the degree of trade openness, education, population, exchange rate and inflation rate. Based on the findings of the study, exchange rate, inflation rate and taxes have a negative impact on attracting foreign direct investment and variable of trade openness, population and GDP have a positive impact. It is observed that Indonesia with higher growth in attracted investment has lower tax rates than other D-8 countries in different years.
Abolfazl Mahmoodi
Volume 4, Issue 13 , January 2014, , Pages 60-43
Estimation of the poverty line (A minimum subsistence) to determine the minimum required contribution to the implementation of poverty alleviation programs is essential. In this study, using a linear expenditure system (LES) and the results of surveys of household spending in urban areas during the period ...
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Estimation of the poverty line (A minimum subsistence) to determine the minimum required contribution to the implementation of poverty alleviation programs is essential. In this study, using a linear expenditure system (LES) and the results of surveys of household spending in urban areas during the period from 2005 to 2010, relative poverty and poverty indices were calculated. Equations of linear expenditure system for the commodity groups were system estimated method by using ISURE. Monthly poverty line in urban areas raised from 4500884 RLS in 2005 to 9197571 RLS in 2010 for 4-person household. The results indicate the relative poverty line, has increased 17% annually. By quadratic and Beta Lorenz curves fitting, poverty indicators and the Gini coefficient were calculated. Real income inequality indicators show worsening of income distribution over the years due to inflation. It is suggested that the appropriate measures to be taken to inhibition of inflation in the country and the protection of vulnerable groups and poverty alleviation programs could be more effective.
Abbasali Abounoori; Manizheh Teimoury
Volume 3, Issue 11 , September 2013, , Pages 40-29
In this research, it has been tried to analyze the effect of financial development on economic growth in selected member States of Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development with Upper Middle Income countries and compare them with each other. To do this, 5 financial development indicators have ...
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In this research, it has been tried to analyze the effect of financial development on economic growth in selected member States of Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development with Upper Middle Income countries and compare them with each other. To do this, 5 financial development indicators have been used which include: The ratio of private credit by deposit money banks to GDP, the ratio of liquid liabilities to GDP, the ratio of deposit money bank assets to GDP, the ratio of private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP and the ratio of bank deposits to GDP. Estimation of the model, by using panel data econometric method, has been used for 23 member states of Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development and 26 countries with Upper Middle Income during 1980 -2009. Selected method in panel data which has been used to estimate model based on Limer Test and Hausman Test is fixed effect method. Results indicate that financial development has negative and significant effect on economic growth of selected countries and since the member states of Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development enjoy higher development, the intensity of this effect for this class of countries is lower. Also the effects of other variables such as government size, inflation rate, lag of real GDP per capita, investment and openness is based on theoretical expectation.
Mahdi Nouri; Hamed Navidi
Volume 3, Issue 9 , April 2013, , Pages 70-59
Expanding non-oil export to get rid of one-product economy has been known as a solution for economic development inIran. Hence, it is necessary to study factors affecting this economic variable. The exchange rate and risk associated with its unexpected volatilities can be noted as the factors affecting ...
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Expanding non-oil export to get rid of one-product economy has been known as a solution for economic development inIran. Hence, it is necessary to study factors affecting this economic variable. The exchange rate and risk associated with its unexpected volatilities can be noted as the factors affecting export. On this basis, this research aims to investigate the effect of real exchange rate risk onIran’s non-oil export. To do this, the disaggregate data belonging to 13Iran’s trading partners over the period of 1985-2010 was used. The panel data approach was also utilized in the analysis process. Furthermore, to more accurate investigate of this subject, 7 alternative criteria were used to assess the volatility of real exchange rate. The results indicated that the exchange rate risk has a positive and significant effect onIran’s non-oil export in the short-run. This result could be attributed to the positive nature of exchange rate volatility in Iran so that this matter could change the expectations of economic agents, especially exporters, to improve the general trend of real exchange rate.
Reza Najarzadeh; Farzad Rahimzadeh
Volume 3, Issue 9 , April 2013, , Pages 98-85
Undoubtedly, the Internet has affected the country's economic and financial interactions. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of Internet on economic growth has been studied. To this end, data of 140 countries collected in the period 1995 to 2010 and after review of data stationary and their cointegration ...
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Undoubtedly, the Internet has affected the country's economic and financial interactions. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of Internet on economic growth has been studied. To this end, data of 140 countries collected in the period 1995 to 2010 and after review of data stationary and their cointegration with Pedroni Cointegration test, model is estimated by panel data approach. The model estimation results show that the rate of Internet access, capital stock, labor force, trade openness and per capita spending on education have positive and significant effects and inflation and government consumption spending have the negative impact on per capita GDP growth.
Batool Rafat; Saeedeh Beyk Zadeh
Volume 2, Issue 8 , December 2012, , Pages 22-9
Economic integration is one of the most challenging issues of the countries in present time on which there are many disagreements. Investigating its effects and consequences from different views including, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects has attracted many scientists, economists, and ...
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Economic integration is one of the most challenging issues of the countries in present time on which there are many disagreements. Investigating its effects and consequences from different views including, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects has attracted many scientists, economists, and cultural workers across the world. These investigations need quantification and exertion of proper indices for measuring this phenomenon. By introducing globalization index of KOF, this paper tries to represent its effects on economic growth and employment rate among ECO, simultaneously. We use international data during 2001-2010 and gravity model was evaluated by panel data method in this paper. Also for simultaneous analysis, 2 SLS method was used. The results show that gross productions of ECO countries have had a positive and significant effect on the rate of bilateral trade among the countries . Trade effects on economic growth of their countries has been proved to be positive and significant as well. Employment had positive and significant effects on economic growth .