In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



Economic integration is one of the most challenging issues of the countries in present time on which there are many disagreements. Investigating its effects and consequences from different views including, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects has attracted many scientists, economists, and cultural workers across the world. These investigations need quantification and exertion of proper indices for measuring this phenomenon. By introducing globalization index of KOF, this paper tries to represent its effects on economic growth and employment rate among ECO, simultaneously.
We use international data during 2001-2010 and gravity model was evaluated by panel data method in this paper. Also for simultaneous analysis, 2 SLS method was used.
The results show that gross productions of ECO countries have had a positive and significant effect on the rate of bilateral trade among the countries . Trade effects on economic growth of their countries has been proved to be positive and significant as well. Employment had positive and significant effects on economic growth . 
