In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal


Professor of Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


This article examines theselected socio- economic determinants of fertility in Iran. For this purpose, the data for 30 provinces of Iran during the period 2006-2012 were considered. The panel data method of estimation was applied to estimate the relationship between the variables. The resultsshow thateconomic development in provinces measured by GDP per capita decreased the fertility rate. Economic development accompanied by urbanization and industrialization increased the share of women with higher education in population. These developments by changing the rule of women in family decision making and postponing the marriage increased the average age of women in first marriage. These factors had a reverse and significant impact on fertility rate in Iran for the period under consideration. These results confirm the modernization school of thought. Furthermore, our model, consistent with some previous cross country researches,indicates that fertility reveals procyclical behavior which confirm the Pennsylvania theory of fertility.


Main Subjects

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