In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)
Volume 15 (2025)
Volume 14 (2024)
Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (2011)
Economic Growth
Political Economy of Growth and Impact of Some of the Fundamental Factors on Economic Growth of Iran

aliakbar arabmazar; rassam moshrefi; mohammad mostafazadeh

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 17-32

  Economic growth is one of the key variables measuring economic performance of any country. So it is very important to understand the factors influencing it.In this paper, a selection of some institutional and political variables along with basic variables affecting economic growthhave been used to analyze ...  Read More

The Effect of Central Bank Independence on Output and Inflation Fluctuations in Iran

HASAN ZARINEGHBAL; ahamad jafari samimi; Amir Mansour Tehranchian

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 33-54

  This article has endeavored to study in experimental survey, the effect of Central Bank Independence (CBI) on the output and inflation fluctuations in the Iranian economy, using vector Autoregressive (VAR) econometrics method. For this purpose, we started with the changes in output and inflation stability ...  Read More

Mena Countries Group
The Effect of War on Food Security in MENA Countries, 1990-2014 (An Unbalanced Panel Data Approach)

Mohammad Hassan Fotros; Razie Sahraee; Masume Yavari

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 55-66

  Food security is a main component of physical, mental and psychological health of any society and is a criterion for human development. Food security and access to safe and adequate food is of the main pillars of economic growth and development; so it is of the main goals of every country. War and insecurity ...  Read More

A Review of Electricity Generation Trends: Deviation from Optimal Scenario

Davood Manzoor; Vahid Aryanpur

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 67-82

  This paper mainly focuses on the development of electricity supply system in Iran. A bottom-up energy system model is employed to identify the optimal generation mix. The model minimizes the total system costs using linear mix-integer programming under a set of technical, economic and environmental constraints. ...  Read More

توسعه مالی
Analysis of the Simultaneous Effects of Trade Openness and Granularity Impacts in Banking on Iran’s Economic Growth

Hamidreza Horri; seyed jalal; seyed jalla; Simin Sadat Mirhashemi

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 83-100

  The level of GDP and its growth rate are the most important performance indices in macroeconomics. Therefore, investigation of the effective factors on economic growth is especially significant and one of the most important issues in the field of macroeconomics. The review of literature related to economic ...  Read More

The Impact of Economic Instability on the Unofficial Dollarization in Iran's Economy

Sima Eskandari Sabzi; Asadolah Farzinvash; Kambiz Hojabr Kiani; Hamid Shahrestani

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 101-116

  Economic instability affects the domestic money that economic agents are willing to hold. For example in an uncertain inflationary environment, they prefer to less demand for money and use those asset which has less risk of maintenance, such as foreign currency and foreign assets. The use of foreign ...  Read More

Economic Growth
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Capital Formation, Productivity and Economic Growth in Developing Countries

Teymour Rahmani; sima Motamedi

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 117-132

  The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth is an issue that has always been of importance for economists. It is believed that foreign direct investment (FDI) is necessary to promote economic growth and capital formation in every country, particularly in the developing countries. ...  Read More

Economic Growth
Testing the Demand Oriented Approach to Economic Growth in Iran: An Application of Time-Varying Parameter

Mohammad Ali Ehsani; Saleh Taheri Bazkhaneh

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 133-145

  Post Keynesian growth model considers the use of production factors as a function of production and introduces demand as the main determinant of economic growth. Accordingly, Thirlwall (1979) presented a model suggesting that demand is restrained by the balance of payments deficit and turns into substantial ...  Read More

Economic Growth
The Effect of Economic and Social Infrastructure on Economic Growth Gap in Iran's Provinces

khaled ahmadzadeh; sholeh Nasri

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 145-166

  The main objective of this study is investigating the effect of economic and social infrastructure on economic growth gap within the framework of panel data method among Iran's provinces during the period (2006-2012). In this context, conditional and non-conditional convergency hypothesis related to ...  Read More

The Distributional Effects of Increasing the Price of Energy Carriers in Iran: Comparison of Input-Output Price Models

rozbeh baloon nejad

Volume 8, Issue 30 , April 2018, Pages 167-187

  Optimum pricing of energy carriers is one of the effective tools for improving the efficiency of energy-scarce resources. Considering the importance of increasing the price of energy carriers and their impact on the economy, more comprehensive studies in this area seem necessary. Considering the importance ...  Read More