In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal



Optimum pricing of energy carriers is one of the effective tools for improving the efficiency of energy-scarce resources. Considering the importance of increasing the price of energy carriers and their impact on the economy, more comprehensive studies in this area seem necessary. Considering the importance of increasing the price of energy carriers and its impact on the economy more comprehensive studies in this area seem necessary. In this research the increase in the price of energy carriers and its effects on household consumption expenditure are based on two methods of pricing the output of government price control and the method of partitioning the economic sectors into energy and non-energy using the net output table to the base prices of Central Bank of 2005. The findings of this study assuming that the dimensions of the household are not considered, suggests that the modification of the price of energy carriers reduces the consumption of households in terms of quantity and rank. By modifying the price of gasoline based on the implementation of the second phase of the law,the objective of subsidies in the energy and non-energy sector is increasing and in the state control and non-control method ignoring the slight changes will have a neutral effect on the share of household consumption expenditure. The correction of natural gas prices in the energy and non-energy method has a decreasing effect and in the control and non-control method of the government here will be a decreasing effect on the share of consumption expenditures. If we do not consider these very slight changes it could be said that the rise in natural gas prices has a detrimental effect on household expenditures. Finally, he change in electricity prices in a non-energy and energy way will decrease the effect and in the control and non-control method of government will have a decreasing effect on the share of consumption of households. Therefore comparing the two models shows that the gradual correction of the price of energy carriers has less distributive effects and reduces the share of household consumption expenditures but reduces the level of vulnerability of households to the simultaneous rectification of prices.


Main Subjects

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