In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)


  • Asymmetric Effects Comparing the effect of positive and negative oil price shocks on the economic growth of Iran and Iraq: evidence from the NARDL model [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • Developed Countries Economic growth and inequality of income distribution Comparison between developed countries, developing countries and economies in transition [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Developing Countries Economic growth and inequality of income distribution Comparison between developed countries, developing countries and economies in transition [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • Economic Development Household Dimension and Economic Development: An Application of Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Approach [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Economic Growth Comparing the effect of positive and negative oil price shocks on the economic growth of Iran and Iraq: evidence from the NARDL model [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Economic Growth Economic growth and inequality of income distribution Comparison between developed countries, developing countries and economies in transition [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • GMM Investigating the impact of economic openness on the development of economically growing countries [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Granger Causality Household Dimension and Economic Development: An Application of Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Approach [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • Income Distribution Economic growth and inequality of income distribution Comparison between developed countries, developing countries and economies in transition [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Innovation Investigating factors affecting corruption with an emphasis on innovation in Iran and neighboring countries: a dynamic spatial panel approach [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Iranian Economy Analyzing the Effect of Economic Shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy on Welfare in the Iranian Economy with Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]

  • Iran's neighbors Investigating factors affecting corruption with an emphasis on innovation in Iran and neighboring countries: a dynamic spatial panel approach [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • Market Power Evaluating the impact of privatization and competitive pressure on market power in Iran's manufacturing industries [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • Privatization Evaluating the impact of privatization and competitive pressure on market power in Iran's manufacturing industries [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]


  • Welfare Analyzing the Effect of Economic Shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy on Welfare in the Iranian Economy with Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2025]