In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal


1 Department of Economics, Assistant Professor of Economics, Payame Noor Unvierstiy, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economics Islamic Azad Marand Branch, Department of Economics Marand, Iran Marand, Iran


Pollution tax is one of the most important tools of the government to reduce pollution and increase the welfare of society. Direct environmental or pigouvian tax, by affecting the revenues of producers, seeks to impose a tax on polluting products to reduce pollution. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to calculate the optimal pollution tax rate taking into account environmental considerations using an endogenous growth model in the Iranian economy. In this study, an endogenous growth model with a stochastic production function is used. After developing the model and solving it by Hamilton-Belman-Jacobi random method and achieving the relationship determining the optimal rate of pollution tax, using the parameters of the Iranian economy, the model was calibrated and the optimal amount of pollution tax was calculated. The results of model estimation show that the optimal rate of pollution tax for the Iranian economy is 5.3% of total production. Also, the interest rate or capital gain rate in Islamic economy and its fluctuations, production fluctuations, change of pollution function parameters, the rate of the optimal pollution tax rate. The affect results of the sensitivity analysis for the Iranian economy indicate that with increasing environmental preferences, interest rates and production fluctuations, the optimal pollution tax rate should increase in the optimal state of social welfare. Also, with increasing capital gain rate fluctuations, to remain in the optimal situation, the pollution tax rate must be reduced.


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