In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



1 Assosiate Professor of Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. Student in Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The effect of saving on investment and economic growth is an important issue in both economic theory and policy. Also, having high and stable economic growth is of importance for all economies. On the other hand, inflation and its adverse effects (especially on economic growth) is one of the main economic problems in many developing countries. This study examines the relationship between the rate of saving and economic growth in developing countries with low and high inflation rates. In other words, since there have been high inflation rates in some developing countries including Iran, we examine the developments in the saving rates and economic growth and the effect of inflation on their relationship. The hypothesis we test is that higher inflation cause the effect of saving on economic growth to be lower. For this purpose, a sample of a panel data for 67 developing countries over the time period 1995-2014 is used. Our empirical results imply that higher inflation has a negative significant effect on the relationship between the rate of saving and economic growth. In effect, our main finding is that the effect of the rate of saving on the economic growth is higher for developing countries with lower inflation rates.


Main Subjects

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