In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal



This study tries to investigate wage-productivity relation in Iranian manufacturing industries. For this purpose, 21 rows of ISIC categories of Iranian factories have been used during years of 1998-2012. Panel data Econometric method has been applied for data processing in homogenous and heterogeneous mode. The initial result shows a unique explanation could not be found regarding productivity reaction to wage in different manufacturing industries. Therefore, the industries have been divided to two separate groups: the industries with high and low human capital. Then, wage-productivity relation has been tested separately for each group. The results show wage-productivity relation occurs in the industries with higher human capital. In other words, productivity will be increased by wage rising. However, there is not wage-productivity relation for the industries with low human capital.


Main Subjects

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