In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal


general manager of statistic and information /The organization of management and planning of golestan province


The investments are represented as a driving force in economic theory and continual, stable and essential economic growth is a necessary condition for social-economic development. The increase of investments volume leads to growth of production, income, value added, wealth, employment and reduction of poverty level.
The issue of capital and investment in the economic development is of special importance, therefore, in order to achieve an advanced and dynamic economy, governments have paid special attention to the matter through enactment and enforcement of certain laws and regulations, provision of necessary infrastructures, optimal use of the resources, facilities, capacities, capabilities as well as application of scientific and logical management so as to pave the way for further development of their respective countries and communities.
The main goal of this article is to analyse internal and foreign investment’s attraction problems and difficulties and propose suitable solutions. The main scientific results of the research are:
- It is shown that oil prices and oil incomes fluctuations, international sanctions, foreign exchange rates fluctuations and high inflation rate, have lead to increase FDI in Iran. Despite these positive tendencies the attraction level of FDI is still on the insufficient level.
- The evaluation results of econometric models showed the effects of national income, GDP, government expenses, inflation rate, openness degree of economy, human capital and FDI on the total volume of investments.
As a result of research, new approaches were developed. The results represented in this article can be used in the programs aimed at improving an investment environment in Iran and in the countries with the similar problems. Also, respective legislative reforms is necessary to improve FDI in Iran.


Main Subjects

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