According to discussion of export growth and economic growth, export diversification issue has been considered by many policymakers to mean the increase of exports commodity and reducing its dependence on one source of income. In other words, regardless of the composition or concentration of a country’s export, more export commodities means more diversified exports. In recent years, export diversification in developing countries that mainly rely on exporting a single product has become a political priority. This study makes use of the new growth and international trade theories and panel data methods to examine the impact of export diversification on total factor productivity (TFP) and economic growth during the 1999-2007 in D-8 countries. The research results show that export diversification has a positive and statistically significant effect on the TFP and economic growth. Therefore to create economic growth and sustainable development, Iran has to pay attention to the export diversification policy as well as other factors that affect TFP and economic growth.
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