In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)


Ph.D. Student of Economics, AllamehTabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran


The Effects of energy carriers price reform policy such as households demand and welfare decrease led to decision-makers attend to revenue recycling of this policy and its injection to the economy as a way to reduce or elimination of mentioned costs. Therefore, in Present research,  using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model based on Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) 1385, the economic effects of policies of guiding revenue of energy carriers price reform has been analyzed. In this research, three distribution policy 1) cash payment, 2) payment reduction of households to the government and 3) subsidies to the production sector has been considered in the form of different scenarios and situations. The simulation results of scenarios illustrates that if government doesn’t distribute revenue from energy carriers price reform, then householdswelfare will have the most decrease. In addition, if government consider the combination of three methods or a combination of first and second methods as method of revenue allocation  of energy carriers price reform, then households demand and welfare will have at least decrease.


Main Subjects

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