In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal



In the world movement toward sustainable development, it is necessary to consider environmental damages caused by energy sector. Determining the influence of different factors on the environment pollution theoretically, practically and politically is necessary for economic growth, which is in accordance with sustainable development objectives. Hence, in this article, we are going to study the factors influenced Iranian environment pollution (Socio-economic view and Climatic Parameters view) using the data of the years 1974-2013. In order to study the relation between the variables, we have used GMM methodology. According to the study results, the impact of economic growth, density, energy consumption and the number of automobiles on environment pollution is positive and significant. Nevertheless, the degree of the country openness, temperature and rainfall have a negative and significant relation with environment pollution. 


Main Subjects

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