Document Type : Quarterly Journal
1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
2 M.A. in Economics, Urmia University, Urmia. Iran.
3 M.A. Student in Economics, Azad University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran.
4 Assistant Professor of Economics, Shahrood University, Shahrood Iran.
This paper examines the relationship between control of corruption and globalization (with various aspects) on economic growth in countries with high per capita income, middle per capita income, and low per capita income over the period (2002-2010) using panel data from113 different countries. According to the results of the various models, there is an inverted U relationship between control of corruption and economic growth. Moreover, the relationship between economic globalization and economic growth in countries with low per capita income is negative and significant. Also, social globalization in these countries has a negative impact on economic growth. However, overall index of globalization and political globalization has a positive impact on economic growth in these countries. Furthermore, in countries with high per capita income and middle per capita income, the impact of the three indicators of globalization (economic, social and political) and the overall index of globalization on economic growth is positive and significant.