Reza Ghaderi Moghaddam; Bijan Baseri; Nemat Falihi; Gholamreza Abbasi
Energy plays a vital role in production and consumption of variouse activities. In Iran energy affect economic growth as an important input along with other production inputs and increase value added of industrial activities and services in nationalwide. In this study, we will test the asymmetric analysis ...
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Energy plays a vital role in production and consumption of variouse activities. In Iran energy affect economic growth as an important input along with other production inputs and increase value added of industrial activities and services in nationalwide. In this study, we will test the asymmetric analysis of the effect of energy consumption on economic growth with emphasis on financial development using the ARDL method. Based on a nonlinear and asymmetric relationship between energy consumption, financial development and economic growth, we found the nonlinear relationship of variables examine the period 1981-2020. So two different indicators were used for the examination of financial development variable (domestic credit to private sector to GDP and private sector liquidity to GDP).The results show an asymmetries relationship between economic growth, energy consumption and financial development.In the long run and short run, the positive shock of energy consumption and financial development has slowed down economic growth. Positive energy consumption shockleads to producers' efforts to reduce energy consumption and reduce economic growth in the short run. Also, any positive shock to financial development reduces economic growth in Iran. This reduces consumption and access to finance, and ultimately reduces investment activities.
Economic Growth
Salman SotoodeNia; Mohammad Taher Ahmadi Shadmehri; Seyed MohammadJavad Razmi; Seyed Mohammad FahimiFard
In this study the effects of levying various green taxes (base, 5%, 10% and 20%) on Iran’s fossil energy consumption (oil gas (OG), natural gas (NG) and gasoline (GA)), pollutant gas emission and social welfare was studied using a Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (RDCGE) model. ...
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In this study the effects of levying various green taxes (base, 5%, 10% and 20%) on Iran’s fossil energy consumption (oil gas (OG), natural gas (NG) and gasoline (GA)), pollutant gas emission and social welfare was studied using a Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (RDCGE) model. In order to RDCGE calibration, the Iran’s social accounting matrix (SAM)) and base scenario was used. Required data was gathered from central bank of Iran (CBI), Iran’s statistic center and ministry of energy during 2008-2016 seasonality. Also, for data analyzing Matlab software was applied. Results indicate that in while increasing green tax, a positive shock of economic growth (1%), reduces the increasing trend of OG, NG and GA. Also, levying 0% and 5% green tax couldn’t make the consumption of mentioned energies efficient, levyeing 10% green tax makes the consumption of NG and GA efficient and levying 20% green tax makes the consumption of mentioned energies efficient. In addition, while increasing green tax, a positive shock of economic growth (1%), reduces the increasing trend of gas pullotants emission and in orther to decreasing gas pollutants emission during economic growth, 10% green tax should be levy. Finally, while increasing green tax from 0% to 5%, 10% and 20%, a positive shock of economic growth (1%) increases the social welfare, less than 1%, more than 1% and less than 1%, respectively. Therefore, between studied scenarios, levying 10% green tax is the best for increasing social welfare.
Mohammad Hossein Ehsanfar
Volume 7, Issue 25 , November 2016, , Pages 85-96
Energy is a basic need to continuity in economic development, supplying and providing welfare and comfort in human life. Due to the limitation and scarcity of resources and also considering the extended role and importance of energy in countries’ growth and economic development, determining the ...
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Energy is a basic need to continuity in economic development, supplying and providing welfare and comfort in human life. Due to the limitation and scarcity of resources and also considering the extended role and importance of energy in countries’ growth and economic development, determining the effective elements on energy demand is of a special importance. There have been many studies on energy demand in Iran. But this study has taken a different approach. This study deals with both the effect of energy market integration and the effect of economic growth on energy consumption in Iran’s economy during 1975 to 2014, using generalized method of moments. In this study, empirical results showed that integration of energy market and economic growth has significant positive effects on energy consumption. Also the price elasticity of energy demand in all models indicate the low elasticity in Iran’s economy during the mentioned years. Income elasticity has been estimated larger than one in final models.
Dynamic Panel Data
Mohammad Reza Lotfalipour; Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Adeli
Volume 6, Issue 24 , September 2016, , Pages 17-38
Due to limitation of energy resources and its importance in the supply chain as the final products for consumers and inputs for manufacturers on the one hand, and On the other hand, due to the large fluctuations in prices and increased greenhouse gas emissions conservation policies and factors affecting ...
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Due to limitation of energy resources and its importance in the supply chain as the final products for consumers and inputs for manufacturers on the one hand, and On the other hand, due to the large fluctuations in prices and increased greenhouse gas emissions conservation policies and factors affecting supply and demand in recent decades have been considered by the scientific and policy communities. In this study, the relationship between energy consumption, export and economic growth in the industrial sector of the Iranian economy has been tested.For this purpose, the panel data of energy consumption, export and value added of the industrial sector in the ISIC 2-digit level detail over the years 2002 to 2012 were used. To study causality and dynamics between variables in the industrial sector the Toda-Yamamoto causality and vector error correction model were used. The results show bidirectional short-run, long-run and strong causality between variables, Except for one case that from exports to energy consumption and economic growth in the short run, there is no causality.
Economic Growth
Hassan Heidari; asall sadeghpour
Volume 6, Issue 21 , November 2015, , Pages 28-11
This study uses data from the eight largest Islamic countries known as D-8 for the period 2000 to 2013 concerns to assess the effect of tourism, energy consumption and political instability on economic growth. To address the objective of this study, we utilize both the static panel data approach as well ...
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This study uses data from the eight largest Islamic countries known as D-8 for the period 2000 to 2013 concerns to assess the effect of tourism, energy consumption and political instability on economic growth. To address the objective of this study, we utilize both the static panel data approach as well as the dynamic generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator to examine the impact of candidate variables. Our results show that energy consumption and tourism significantly contribute to the economic growth of countries in the D-8 region. Hence, our study lends some support to the existence of the tourism-led growth and energy-led growth hypotheses in the region. In line with our expectation, our estimation results also reveal that political instability impedes the process of economic growth and development in the D-8 countries. There fore, it should be take serious action in these countries to overcome political instability and attract international tourists to boost economic growth. Since energy consumption has the greatest impact on economic growth in member countries, policies that reduce energy consumption without planning to support the growth of the manufacturing sector in these countries, will have disturbing impact on economic growth.
Quality of Environment
Rouhollah Nazari; Mohamad Hosein Mahdavi Adeli; Yadollah Dadgar
Volume 6, Issue 21 , November 2015, , Pages 60-47
In the world movement toward sustainable development, it is necessary to consider environmental damages caused by energy sector. Determining the influence of different factors on the environment pollution theoretically, practically and politically is necessary for economic growth, which is in accordance ...
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In the world movement toward sustainable development, it is necessary to consider environmental damages caused by energy sector. Determining the influence of different factors on the environment pollution theoretically, practically and politically is necessary for economic growth, which is in accordance with sustainable development objectives. Hence, in this article, we are going to study the factors influenced Iranian environment pollution (Socio-economic view and Climatic Parameters view) using the data of the years 1974-2013. In order to study the relation between the variables, we have used GMM methodology. According to the study results, the impact of economic growth, density, energy consumption and the number of automobiles on environment pollution is positive and significant. Nevertheless, the degree of the country openness, temperature and rainfall have a negative and significant relation with environment pollution.
Seyed Nezamuddin Makiyan; Azadeh Saadatkhah
Volume 2, Issue 5 , March 2012, , Pages 68-45
This paper investigates the possibility of both linear and nonlinear effects of energy consumption on economic growth in Iran, using data for the period of 1959–2007 based on threshold regression. Some previous studies support the view that energy consumption may promote economic growth. However, ...
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This paper investigates the possibility of both linear and nonlinear effects of energy consumption on economic growth in Iran, using data for the period of 1959–2007 based on threshold regression. Some previous studies support the view that energy consumption may promote economic growth. However, the conclusion drawn from this study suggests that such relationship exists only where there is a low level of energy consumption in Iran. The evidence shows that, there are two break points (corresponding with three regimes) in economic growth function. For the low energy consumption regime (where per capita energy consumption is less than 5 barrels) we find that energy consumption has an important positive influence on economic growth with coefficient 0.09, which is not the case with the high or middle regime. In middle regime with per capita energy consumption between 5 and 8 barrels, the marginal effect of energy use on economic growth gets to 0.015. For the regime corresponding to per capita energy consumption above the threshold 8 barrels, the marginal effect of energy use is reduced to about zero. We show that a threshold regression provides a better empirical model rather than the standard linear model and policy-makers should seek to capture economic structures associated with different stages of economic growth.
Nooraddin Sharify
Volume 2, Issue 5 , March 2012, , Pages 238-207
This paper investigates the possibility of both linear and nonlinear effects of energy consumption on economic growth in Iran, using data for the period of 1959–2007 based on threshold regression. Some previous studies support the view that energy consumption may promote economic growth. However, ...
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This paper investigates the possibility of both linear and nonlinear effects of energy consumption on economic growth in Iran, using data for the period of 1959–2007 based on threshold regression. Some previous studies support the view that energy consumption may promote economic growth. However, the conclusion drawn from this study suggests that such relationship exists only where there is a low level of energy consumption in Iran. The evidence shows that, there are two break points (corresponding with three regimes) in economic growth function. For the low energy consumption regime (where per capita energy consumption is less than 5 barrels) we find that energy consumption has an important positive influence on economic growth with coefficient 0.09, which is not the case with the high or middle regime. In middle regime with per capita energy consumption between 5 and 8 barrels, the marginal effect of energy use on economic growth gets to 0.015. For the regime corresponding to per capita energy consumption above the threshold 8 barrels, the marginal effect of energy use is reduced to about zero. We show that a threshold regression provides a better empirical model rather than the standard linear model and policy-makers should seek to capture economic structures associated with different stages of economic growth