In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal


1 PhD Candidate in Economics, Payame Noor Unvierstiy, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Department of Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In various studies, to evaluate and measure the poverty, based on the poverty line, the poor are divided into the poor and non-poor and based on the data of the poor households, different indeces of poverty are calculated. Since the rate of poverty varies, the effect of each poor individual on the society varies as well. In this study, the size of poverty in Iran is measured by Fuzzy Membership Function. In the current study, using the raw data, the household income of the Iranian Sensus Beauro, from 1385 to 1397 is calculated using the index of age poverty by Gini coefficient and Bonferonie standard, in classic and fuzzy modes of poverty size.
The results show that using the fuzzy logic has a significant effect on poverty size so that in the classic mode, it is significantly less than that of the fuzzy mode. The results also suggest that in both the classic and the fuzzy ways, using the Bonferonie standard instead of Gini Coefficient causes the rise of poverty.


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