In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)


1 Ph.D. Student, Payam-e-Noor University

2 Assistant Professor, Payam-e-Noor University

3 Assosiate Professor, Payam-e-Noor University

4 Professor, Payam-e-Noor University


The main objective of the research is to design the suitable knowledge transfer in agricultural research centers through distance education. The research method was a combinational one. The primary information was collected through Delphi method by knowledge transfer experts. After extraction of main criterias and determination of validity and reliability, the questionnaire was given to test givers. The data collection method was a field (questionnaire) and documentary one. The statistical population included 1930 people; scientific staff, the educators, the educational trainers of agricultural research institutions and centers. According to Morgan table, the sample volume was calculated on groups, separation is and to their population were 641 people ,which were selected as random classification.The data analysis was performed by descriptive and interventional statistics (the subjective /explorative analysis of first Bartlett and approval analysis) through application of SPSS and LISREL software.The findings illuminate the variance of each criteriaas; 11/90 percent for knowledge creation, 11/80 distance education technology, 8/49 percent for financial resources, 7.05% for content production, 5.98 percent for ICT, 5.74 percent for psychology, 5.39 percent for organizational culture, 4.98 percent policy making, which includes 61.37 percent of total variance of related criteria by knowledge transfer model. The goodness fit test shows the k-square rate as 2681.37 with freedom degree of 406. The significant level was less than 0.05 errors and also the rate of RMSEA on the mentioned calculation was equal to 0.094. and when this rate becomes more than 0.08, then it will show that the model is good and well fitted.


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