In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)


Ph.D. Student of Economics, Tabriz University, Iran


In recent decades the more releaseing emissions from energy consumption, have had more damaging effects on the environment. The share of some of the manufacturing sectors have been more than other sectors and may vary from one country to another one. However, each country have the capacity to absorb pollutants by its biological status. Carbon, Methane and Nitrous Oxide are the most important greenhouse gases that are emitted more than their biological potentials having harmful effects on the environment. In this paper, the footprint of these gases of agriculture sub-sectors is studied by using Social Accounting Matrix 1390. The results indicate that the total Carbon footprint, Methane and Nitrous Oxide are respectively 646 million tons, 51 thousand tons and 12 thousand tons and the share of agriculture sectors are 10.2 percent, 10.5 percent and 17 percent.Sub-sectors of wheat and animal husbandry have the biggest footprints.


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