In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)


1 Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student, Faculty Member of Economic, Social and Extension Research Department of Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Qazvin, Iran.


Due to increasing demand and supply gap of water and reclamation plan and balance of groundwater resources by the Department of Energy It is expected to reduce water resources , regardless of the agricultural sector , Excessive pressure on the sector in the future through rations and water from reallocation of resources to sectors with higher priority enters this section. In this study, the effects of In this study, the economic effects of nonprice policy reduced water supply on the components of the agricultural sector in the province of Qazvin According to the data of the crop year 93-92 and by developing a positive mathematical programming model is investigated. The results showed that , with the policy of reduce water availability , crop patterns are highly impressed And more driven towards products that make water use more than economic efficiency. With increasing restrictions on water resources, increased economic efficiency water This suggests that the increasing scarcity of water resources and the signal value to agricultural producers To allocate water more economically valuable products in terms of lack of water resources.


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