In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



 The current study is a descriptive survey study conducted to investigat challenges of developing organic agriculture in Ilam Province from the viewpoint of experts of agricultural jihad. Statistical population of the study included 264 experts of agricultural jihad in Ilam Province. Through Morgan and Takman table sample size was estimated to be 150 people. Sampling was also carried out through stratified random sampling method with appropriate assignment. Research instrument was a researcher made questionnaire which face and content validities were confirmed by respective professors’ judgments. In addition reliability of this instrument was determined through calculating Cronbach alpha coefficient (0.91). Data analysis was carried out through utilizing SPSS software version 20 using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of factor analysis. Results of factor analysis led to identify five factors including extension -educational challenges, economic challenges, management challenges, psycho-cultural challenges, and supportive challenges that explain 75.08 percent of the variance. Extension -educational challenges as the first factor with the special value of 2. 631 explains the largest portion (21.62 percent) and support challenges with special value of 1.306 explains the smallest portion (10. 88 percent) of the total variance.


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