In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



The main aim of this study is to analyze effect of psychological capital components on identifying entrepreneurial opportunities of Agriculture Jahad Organization staffs of Hamedan Province. Sample size was 245 staffs that selected through simple random sampling method. The data were obtained through two questionnaires of psychological capital (Luthans et al., 2007) and entrepreneurial opportunities (Puhakka, 2010). Face validity of the questionnaire was obtained through an experts’ panel and reliability was obtained through pilot testing and calculating Cronbach's alpha (psychological capital= 0.88, entrepreneurial opportunities= 0.91). Finding’s showed that psychological capital and entrepreneurial opportunities of Agriculture Jahad Organization staffs respectively was low to medium and medium. The results indicate a significant positive relationship (r= 0.766) between psychological capital and distinguish entrepreneurial opportunities (p= 0/001). The variables of self-efficiency, hope, resilience and optimism respectively have had most effect on identifying entrepreneurial opportunities. Finally, psychological capital dimensions were significant predictors to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities (p> 0.01).


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