In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



One of the main challenges facing agricultural development in rural areas is the lack of efficient use of the factors of production, particularly land and water with the wisdom and the distribution of land belonging to each of the beneficiaries to be associated. To solve this challenge in different countries land consolidation policies as a logical and workable solutions have been used. The purpose of this study is to check the impact of the land consolidation on Shazand city agricultural productivity. The type of research is practical and the method used is descriptive – analytical and for collecting data the library and field methods (questionnaires and interviews) were used. Due to the limited number of villages where the land consolidation project has done, two villages by the name of Homriyan and Mohajerane Khak were selected. To analyze data, statistical methods of Wilcaxon nonparametric test, Friedman test, Chi-square test, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and paired and independent t-test are used. The results show that there are significant differences in the number of pieces of land of each beneficiary, the area under cultivation, wheat and barley operation, the area under pressurized irrigation systems, the cost of machinery to plow, plot layout, the cost of land preparation, planting costs, the use of machines for fertilizer and seeding, harvesting and transportation, the use of pesticides and workers as well as the amount of water consumption in the period before and after the land consolidation project. All these could be able to make important changes in the productivity of factors of production.


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