In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



The shortage of irrigation water is one of the most important problems which Iran is facing it. Irrigation water pricing is one of the economic approaches to manage it and using efficiently. This paper's purpose is to evaluate the effect of irrigation water price induction on productivity of agriculture section in Iran (case: Kashan). This study is an application –development in terms of objective and is a post- event in terms of the study design and descriptive in terms of conclusion. The paper's results show that during study period (2006- 2010), irrigation water price has risen in kashan region. But this leads not only to increase average cultivated land per a farmer, but also, to increase crops and garden products monetary productivity. It means that Iranian government can use irrigation water price induction as a tool for increasing productivity in agriculture section in Iran. In addition, crops and garden products have different productivity. Results also show that dill and apricot have the highest productivity in among all crops and garden product in the region respectively.


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