In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal


1 Professor of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Financial Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The study of the effect of monetary shocks through monetary policy transmission mechanism is one of the topics in the macroeconomic field that is divided into two main polepoints of the neoclassical (demand side) and nonneoclassical (supply side) perspectives. Researchers in different countries have studied effects of monetary shocks through these channels on macroeconomics, but in domestic studies, the lack of simultaneous attention to the money neutarlity in the long run and the asymmetry of positive and negative shocks in the presence of monetary policy transmission mechanism is one of the main weaknesses in the discussion. This article is intended to fill this research gap with using the seasonal data of Iran's economy during the period of 1990 to 2016, to study the effect of monetary shocks through transmission channels on production. For this purpose, using the Markov Switching model, negative and positive shocks were extracted. Then, the results of the used model by auto regressive distributed lags method showed that three channels of exchange rate, housing prices and credits are incapable of transferring the effects of monetary policy in the long run. These findings validate long-term monetary neutrality. Also there is asymmetry between positive and negative shocks, and the credit chanel has a stronger role in transferring the monetary policy effects on the economy of Iran than the two other channels.


Main Subjects

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