In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)

Document Type : Quarterly Journal


Assistant Professor of Economics, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The investigation of relationship between real exchange rate volatility regime and FDI is one of the main issues in macroeconomics and has been considered empirically in recent years. Economic activity in the world and in every moment of life is faced with a variety of risks and uncertainty. Through of the uncertainty, it can be noted that the phenomenon of real exchange rate risk. This study intends to investigate the impact of real exchange rate fluctuations on foreign direct investment with annual data and during the 1974-2016, by using a Markov Switching on Iran deal. The results suggest that, real GDP as an indicator of the size of economy and trade openness have a positive and significant effect, real exchange rate has a positive impact on foreign direct investment in Iran. Hence, the decreasing of real exchange rate volatility through the control of domestic price fluctuations especially in the situation of high volatility is the main policy implication of this study to emprovement of FDI in Iran.


Main Subjects

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