In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association for Energy Economics (IRAEE)



In recent decades, the process of globalization and its effects have resulted in movements on the side of ethnic minorities, called ethnic conflicts and ethnic tensions in developing countries particularly in those with ethnic varieties. On the other hand, increase in social and political awareness leads to reinforced morale and solidarity towards common national preferences and interests besides an increased plea for pacifism and social and political equilibrium on the side of minorities. As a consequence, this new stable and peaceful status will pave the path for economic growth as a results of which access to social and economic rights will be facilitated and injustice will decrease. Finally, the foregoing results will lead to decreased violence and conflicts and the provision of more facilities under this new air of mutual understanding. In this study, we examined the effect of economic –social   variables on ethnic tensions in selected 11 countries of the MENA (Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates) by using panel data for (1984-2009) period. Results show that economic - social variables (unemployment, inflation, income inequality) have positive significant effects on ethnic conflicts. On the other side, economic growth has negative significant effect on ethnic conflict.


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