mina saber; reza zeinalzadeh; Seyd Abdolmajid Jalaee Esfanadadi; mohsen Zayanderoody
The impacts of shocks generated by macroeconomic growth scenarios (2 percent, 5 percent, and 10%) on the overall welfare index in Iran were explored in this study. The essential data were gathered from the social accounting matrix of 2011, the Central Bank, and the data-output table of 2016, and the ...
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The impacts of shocks generated by macroeconomic growth scenarios (2 percent, 5 percent, and 10%) on the overall welfare index in Iran were explored in this study. The essential data were gathered from the social accounting matrix of 2011, the Central Bank, and the data-output table of 2016, and the new recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (RDCGE) model was employed for data analysis.The findings revealed that real GDP shocks of up to 2.66 percent result in an increase in Iran's social welfare index. Because growing real GDP through boosting economic capacity raises individual income in society and creates the circumstances for household well-being to improve. Furthermore, productivity shocks of total inputs of production of up to 1.55 percent raise the social welfare index. Because improving total factor productivity has resulted in a rise in output, which has a direct influence on household consumption owing to greater income and promotes economic well-being. Furthermore, the short-term reaction of the social welfare index to oil income shocks is a maximum of 0.81 percent. Because, on the one hand, more oil revenues contribute to increased economic growth, but on the other hand, they lead to the establishment of the Dutch illness. Finally, the data revealed that among the factors analysed, shock due to real GDP growth, shock due to total productivity growth, and shock due to oil revenue increase had the greatest influence on total wellfare.
samineh qasemifar; Abolfazl Shahabadi; shamsolah shirinbakhsh; mirhosien mousavi; azam ahmadyan
With the occurrence of major global financial crises and the widespread spread of crises in the economies of other countries, the importance of identifying and measuring crises and examining the effects of macroeconomics has become increasingly apparent. Hence in the present study, in order to quantify ...
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With the occurrence of major global financial crises and the widespread spread of crises in the economies of other countries, the importance of identifying and measuring crises and examining the effects of macroeconomics has become increasingly apparent. Hence in the present study, in order to quantify financial crises, following the basic portfolio theory approach, a systemic stress index has been designed for the Iranian economy during the period 2008-2019. The purpose of study is not only to identify the financial stress index of the Iranian economy, but also to examine whether financial stress can have irreversible effects on key economic variables. in this study, using Bayesian inference in vector autoregression models, the effects of financial stress on The format of growth model on the total factor productivity and its determinants has been analyzed. The results show that in both models the effects of financial stress shock on the factor total productivity is negative but also associated with relative durability At the same time, the reaction of the factor total productivity, the accumulation of internal research and development costs and the intensity of physical investment to the impulse of financial stress is more severe compared to the reaction of other variables. The findings of this study support the need to measure and in terms of financial stress index in macro policy decisions.
total factor productivity of production؛
Ahmad Ali Asadpour
This article aims to investigate the effect of trade openness, human capital and exchange relation on total productivity of production factors in Iran. Using time series data during 1981 to 2012, the effect of trade openness, human capital, and exchange relation on total productivity of production factor ...
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This article aims to investigate the effect of trade openness, human capital and exchange relation on total productivity of production factors in Iran. Using time series data during 1981 to 2012, the effect of trade openness, human capital, and exchange relation on total productivity of production factor has been estimated through the application of auto regressive distributed lag model (ARDL). The results of the research indicate that the variables of trade openness, human capital, and exchange relation have positive effects on total productivity of production factors. On the other hand, inflation and exchange rate have negative effects on total productivity of production factors.
total factor productivity of production؛
Abolfazl Shah-Abadi; Sara Sari Gol
Volume 7, Issue 28 , September 2017, , Pages 141-164
Oil plays an important role in financing the country and can be used as a positive tool for improving total factor productivity and can reduce technical gap with developed countries. But most of the oil countries with oil revenues, despite the considerable value of these resource revenues, do not have ...
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Oil plays an important role in financing the country and can be used as a positive tool for improving total factor productivity and can reduce technical gap with developed countries. But most of the oil countries with oil revenues, despite the considerable value of these resource revenues, do not have appropriate economic performance. Therefore, this study utilizes a system of simultaneous equations to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of oil on the economy's total factor productivity during the period 1978-2013. The results by 3SLS show, the direct effect of oil revenues on total factor productivity is negative and significant. Also the effect of oil revenues on the equations of human capital accumulation, domestic research and development accumulation and financial development equations are negative and significant and in the research and development spillovers of trade partners and information and communication technology accumulation equations are positive and non-significant. According to the results, the effect of human capital, domestic research and development accumulation, research and development spilloversof trade partners, and information and communication technology equations are positive and significant and the effect of financial development on total factor productivity is positive and non- significant. Therefore, it is expected that politicians and decision-makers with the management of appropriate resources (coordination of supply and demand side policies with a focus on the development of knowledge-based components market) take steps in order to create endogenous technical change and improve total factor productivity.
total factor productivity of production؛
Seyed Komail Tayebi; Karim Azarbayejani; Salahoddin Manouchehri
Volume 7, Issue 25 , November 2016, , Pages 17-36
International outsourcing and intermediate goods trade as a signal of economic globalization have been in progress. One of the benefits of technology transfer is acquiring foreign technology with higher efficiency, as technology spillovers lead to increased productivity of local firms. In this study, ...
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International outsourcing and intermediate goods trade as a signal of economic globalization have been in progress. One of the benefits of technology transfer is acquiring foreign technology with higher efficiency, as technology spillovers lead to increased productivity of local firms. In this study, objective is to investigate the effects of international outsourcing, high-techcapital, foreign direct investment spillovers and capital stock of R&D on total factor productivity in selected high-tech industries in Iran. we have specified a theoretical framework, and then estimated its empirical version by the panel data econometric method for the selected high-tech industries in Iran during the period (2000-2012). The results show that the estimated coefficient of international outsourcing (OS) is statistically significantat the 5% of significance level.The results also indicate a significant positive effect of high-tech capital and FDI spillovers on total factor productivity in the selected Iran’s high-tech industries. However, the results show that the R&D capital stock has not been statistically significant in the estimated total factor productivity equation for such industries.
Gholamreza Zamanian; Mohammad Hasan Fotros; Elham Rezaei
Volume 5, Issue 17 , December 2014, , Pages 108-91
Research and development (R&D) has been condsidered as the most important method for a rapid advancement of technology and manufacturing competitiveness and innovation. This study aims to assess R&D spillovers on the total productivity factors (TFP) of Iranian manufacturing industries in the ...
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Research and development (R&D) has been condsidered as the most important method for a rapid advancement of technology and manufacturing competitiveness and innovation. This study aims to assess R&D spillovers on the total productivity factors (TFP) of Iranian manufacturing industries in the period 2000-2008. This study employing two-stage GMM method uses statistical data of domestic R&D accumulation of industries in nineteen code of the two-digit ISIC, foreign R&D and imports of fifteen trading partners of Iran to measure the effect of R&D spillovers on the TFP of Iranian manufacturing industries. Results indicate that the interaction between human capital and foreign R&D accumulation, the interaction between import and foreign R&D accumulation, effects of external R&D accumulation and internal R&D have most positive impact on total factor productivity of Iranian manufacturing industries respectively. Internal expenditures on R&D in the chosen period have failed to provide new products and services and imperove competitiveness, technology and increasing TFP growth.
Abolfazl Shahabadi; Zahra Khany
Volume 2, Issue 7 , September 2012, , Pages 32-21
Decreasing unemployment rate is one of the most striking objects for economic planners and decision makers; and achieves to this, will lead to solve a lot of economic and social problems. According to theory and empirical studies, total factor productivity growth has a determinant role in unemployment ...
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Decreasing unemployment rate is one of the most striking objects for economic planners and decision makers; and achieves to this, will lead to solve a lot of economic and social problems. According to theory and empirical studies, total factor productivity growth has a determinant role in unemployment rate. This study investigates the impacts of total factor productivity on the unemployment rate in the economy of Iran, based on annual data spanning the period 1971-2009. Results of the study indicate that total factor productivity growth has a significant and negative effect on unemployment rate of Iran's economy in the short-term and long-term. On the one hand, Granger causality test shows two-way causality relationship between unemployment rate and total factor productivity rate in economy of Iran, both in the short-term and the long-term. Thus, promoting the level of technical knowledge (technology) and enhancing motivation of workforce for more and use full work as well as avoiding of determining wages as imperative and other production factors, can move toward increase total factor productivity and reduce unemployment rate of Iran’s economy.
Growth Accounting
Davoud Behboudi; Jalal Montazeri Shoorekchali
Volume 1, Issue 3 , January 2012, , Pages 70-49
The most attended aspect of the modern economics is its structure which relies heavily on knowledge and awareness. In this competitive world, paying attention to knowledge and relying on innovation is what makes institutions pioneers. In the early 20th century, Joseph Schumpeter and later almost all ...
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The most attended aspect of the modern economics is its structure which relies heavily on knowledge and awareness. In this competitive world, paying attention to knowledge and relying on innovation is what makes institutions pioneers. In the early 20th century, Joseph Schumpeter and later almost all theoreticians came to believe that the emergence of a phenomenon called job creators or in other words innovative job creators played significant roles in the economic development process and, in Schumpeter’s opinion, something that makes these people stand out is their innovation power particularly in new combinations. With regard to the deep technological gap between the developed and developing countries, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one way to transfer modern technologies to the developing countries where these innovations could be applied through this transfer. Since the arrival of foreign direct investment to the developing countries brings about spillovers resulting in innovation expansion in these countries. In this article, the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) spillovers on innovation in developing countries are dealt with, considering that the panel data are arranged in the Pool method for the developing countries where the innovation information have been accessible.
Export Diversification
Karim Azarbaiejani; Molood Raki; Homayoun Ranjbar
Volume 1, Issue 3 , January 2012, , Pages 201-165
According to discussion of export growth and economic growth, export diversification issue has been considered by many policymakers to mean the increase of exports commodity and reducing its dependence on one source of income. In other words, regardless of the composition or concentration of a country’s ...
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According to discussion of export growth and economic growth, export diversification issue has been considered by many policymakers to mean the increase of exports commodity and reducing its dependence on one source of income. In other words, regardless of the composition or concentration of a country’s export, more export commodities means more diversified exports. In recent years, export diversification in developing countries that mainly rely on exporting a single product has become a political priority. This study makes use of the new growth and international trade theories and panel data methods to examine the impact of export diversification on total factor productivity (TFP) and economic growth during the 1999-2007 in D-8 countries. The research results show that export diversification has a positive and statistically significant effect on the TFP and economic growth. Therefore to create economic growth and sustainable development, Iran has to pay attention to the export diversification policy as well as other factors that affect TFP and economic growth.